The ME-25 Sound Library offers six categories of sounds, with 10 sound variations per category. A wide range of effects is provided - from crystal clean to crushing distortion. You can also use the extra sounds on this website by importing them into your ME-25.
First listen to the sample sounds, and choose your favorites!
In order to connect the ME-25 to your computer and use it, you will need the USB driver. Check the operating system of your computer, and install the appropriate driver. For details on installation, refer to the “Readme” file included with the driver.
*USB drivers for Microsoft® Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Windows® XP are also available from the DVD-ROM included in the ME-25’s packaging.
In order to transmit and receive data between the ME-25 and your computer, you’ll need to use the Librarian.
Download the appropriate Librarian that corresponds to the operating system of your computer, and refer to “Installation instructions” prior to installing.
For details about the ME-25 Librarian, click “Help” > “How to use ME-25 Librarian” from the menu.
*When new sound data is imported into the ME-25, the previous settings will be overwritten. If you don’t want to loose any settings inside your ME-25, be sure to use the Librarian to transmit the data to your computer for archiving.
The ME-25 DVD-ROM includes SONAR LE software, which is a digital-audio workstation based on the core-features of Cakewalk’s award-winning SONAR.
The DVD-ROM also includes many backing/rhythm tracks as audio files for play-along enjoyment, as well as for songwriting building blocks.
Use your ME-25 guitar sounds to play along with these audio tracks and SONAR LE. SONAR LE can also record your guitar performances as you play!
For details about installing SONAR LE, refer to the “SONAR_LE_Install_Guide” on the DVD-ROM.